This is a wonderful article by the iconic Wizard of Windows Simon Doonan for Town and Country Magazine. While it's true social media can deliver Pocket-sized bits of instant visual gratification, little nuggets of eye candy, that can keep us slightly satisfied for a few, but nothing, and I mean nothing, replaces the feeling of experiencing art in person and with friends.

Whether it's a piece painted on the side of an old building that stops you in the street, a sandwich board spitting witty you stumble across in SoHo, or a dress fit for no event in your life, but still makes you gasp and stops you in your tracks. I like the drama and the "seeing", I need the real real.

And I agree with Simon in his wish that " When this is all over, we will return to those chilly sidewalks, more effervescent than ever. We will forget about whether we can afford what we’re looking at. We will just enjoy the good vibrations that come with a shared experience."
